If you would like more information, please contact us at
Steps to apply:
Step One-Agree to a basic statement of faith
- We hold to the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments as inspired by God. We uphold traditional Biblical values and morals as put forth in the Bible.
- We believe in one Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- We believe God created the world out of nothing. He created the world as good and created human beings in His own image as male and female.
- Humans chose to rebel against God by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which caused sin and therefore death to enter the world, and resulted in the corruption of all creation.
- Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only begotten Son of God, was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the virgin Mary. He is fully God and fully man. He died to pay the penalty of sin for all those who receive this atonement by faith. At the moment of salvation, they become children of God and begin to know Him as Lord and Savior.
- The Holy Spirit comes to live inside believers for regeneration, comfort, and help.
- Jesus Christ will return again at the end of the age, and there will be judgement of the living and the dead. All corruption will be done away and perfection again restored.
Step Two-Affirm that the Priorities and Goals of the group will fit your family
1) Our first priority is growing in relationship with God, and encouraging students to discover ways to live out their faith in every day life.
2) Secondly, we wish to be in relationship with other Christian believers.
3) The third priority is providing productive educational and social experiences for our homeschooled students. Our classes can be used as part of your program to prepare your students for college or as part of an enrichment program for socialization or graduation.
Note: A graduation ceremony is offered every spring, with parents being responsible to present a high school diploma to the student.
4) Our philosophy of learning favors challenging discussions, real life relevance, and practical application; students are encouraged to apply information to their own lives whenever possible. We also love to help students prepare themselves for challenges to their Christian faith.
Step Three- Send a text to the Director for a phone call in order to schedule a visit to the group
Step Four- Attend the group to determine if it is appropriate for your family
Step Five-If you would like to apply, fill out an application at your visit!